festivalyoga@happyyoga.cat | +(34) 693 729 011

Mike Rauss


Día 20: Loopstation (demostración)




Born in Israel, Mike has a diverse cultural background due to the almost nomadic life of his family during childhood. As broad as his cultural horizon is the musical palette he learned from. Growing up with a strong influence of irish music on the maternal side, as well as the ancient songs of the middle east, he now produces a wide range of styles and is equally playful when it comes to his live performance, where he shares and explores beautiful songs and soundscapes with the guitar, the loopsation and his voice as his main instruments.
Together with his sister they form the band KAYAM. After growing up In Israel, England and Germany, he studied Jazz Guitar in Cologne
where improvisation was a main part of his studies and remains an important part of his Live performance. You might even get to hear
some ancient melodies from Atlantis if you’re lucky.

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